“Osaka, the food capital” event to rediscover the charm (2019.10.15-17)
Thursday, October 17, 2019 Food sustainability seminar / Osaka Gas Hug Museum
A seminar was held on the theme of SDGs (food sustainability), which is a global theme in food sustainability, by Olivier Laurenger, one of France's greatest chefs, and Kazuo Hanaoka, CEO of Seafood Legacy Co., Ltd. Many food-related participants listened attentively to the talk about the current state of marine resource protection in Japan, examples of countries that are advanced in sustainability initiatives, and challenges to environmental issues.
October 16, 2019 (Wednesday) Visit to Sakai kelp specialty store (Goda Shoten) / Sakai City
“Osaka, the food capital” event to rediscover the charm (2019.10.15-17)
Cooking demonstration using ingredients from Osaka by top chefs from around the world
“Osaka, the food capital” event to rediscover the charm (2019.10.15-17)