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About Osakaall about osaka
Osaka complete listItinerariesMODEL COURSE
A town with ancient tombs that can be enjoyed with all five senses
A greedy course where you can experience the ancient tombs of Furuichi and its diverse culture.
Southern Area -
Journey on trains On tram to the historical town of Sakai
During the Period of Warring States, Sakai flourished as a port for trade.
Southern Area -
FOR BEGINNERS Kita: From the Ground & the Sky
JR Osaka station and Subway/Private railway Umeda stations concentrate in KITA, the gateway to an ever-changing Osaka.
Kita Area -
Enjoy Construction / Art Retro Buildings Stroll
Now and in the olden days, the Yodoyabashi-Kitahama-Semba environs have been the center of the commercial town Osaka. When you stop in the busy street with businessmen coming and going, beautiful buildings mark time quietly.
Kita Area
Useful travel informationINFORMATION
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Osaka Castle Museum
A symbol of Osaka. 55m above ground, 5 layers and 8 floors.
super nintendo world
Recreate the world of Nintendo games with overwhelming quality and scale.
Tsutenkaku Tower
Naniwa's symbol "Osaka's Eiffel Tower".
I was surprised by the huge whale shark. Smile at the fluffy jellyfish.
A family tour around lush green Minoh
You can enjoy both the bustle of the city and the rich nature.

The Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau aims to attract tourists from a wide area by effectively disseminating information about tourism in Osaka.
The purpose is to contribute to revitalizing Osaka's tourism-related industries.